Fruit & Vegetable Magazine

Features Business Food Safety
CanadaGAP certification for repackers, wholesalers

March 24, 2014  By Marg Land

March 24, 2014, Ottawa, Ont – CanadaGAP, a food safety certification program for fresh fruits and vegetables, is pleased to announce the availability of Option D, a new certification for companies that repack and wholesale fresh fruits and vegetables.

Option D entails an annual on-site audit by a CanadaGAP-licensed certification body. The requirements are based on the Repacking and Wholesale Food Safety Program developed by the Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA). The program was technically reviewed and deemed sound by federal and provincial governments.

“This is an exciting development for the Canadian produce industry,” commented Tom Byttynen, past chair of the CanadaGAP board and CEO of Thomas Fresh Inc., a Calgary-based produce distribution and repacking company. “CanadaGAP certification for the repacking and wholesale segment of the supply chain has been long-awaited, and will improve consistency and harmonization of food safety practices across our sector.”

Requirements for repacking and wholesale have been incorporated into the 2014 CanadaGAP manuals (Version 6.2). Users apply the requirements only from the sections of the manual that are relevant to them.

To be certified under Option D, repacking and wholesale operations must develop and maintain a site-specific HACCP Plan. A generic HACCP model is available from CanadaGAP as is guidance on creating a HACCP Plan. Visit the webpage at for more information.

CanadaGAP-approved certification bodies will begin offering Option D audits effective April 1, 2014. To enrol in Option D, download the CanadaGAP program enrolment form at:


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