Fruit & Vegetable Magazine

Features Production Research
Dr. Wayne Roberts keynote speaker at organic conference

November 18, 2008  By Marg Land

November 18, 2008, Guelph, Ont. –
Internationally acclaimed speaker Dr. Wayne Roberts will be delivering
the keynote presentation at the 2009 Guelph Organic Conference, being
held January 22 to 25, 2009.

November 18, 2008, Guelph, Ont. – Internationally acclaimed speaker Dr. Wayne Roberts will be delivering the keynote presentation at the 2009 Guelph Organic Conference, being held January 22 to 25, 2009.

Dr. Roberts has worked throughout his life to link social justice, public health, job creation and environmental protection. With a Ph.D in history from the University of Toronto, Roberts taught McMaster University’sCBC radio’s “Rank and File” program, and pens articles for a number of newspapers and periodicals. His name is synonymous with a long list of social causes including OPSEU, the Coalition for a Green Economic Recovery, Toronto Department of Public Health, Toronto Food Policy Council, Food and Hunger Action Committee, Toronto's Food Charter, Eaters Digest,, Food Secure Canada, and is the recipient of the Planet in Focus Eco-Hero Award for 2008. Roberts has also written and produced numerous publications on social and employment equality and is the author of three books, Get A Life, Real Food For A Change, and his most recent, The No Nonsense Guide to World Food.

Dr. Roberts will be speaking January 24, starting at 9 a.m., at the University of Guelph’s Rozanski Hall. Admission is $15. Interested people can register by mail or on-line at


Celebrating its 28th year, the Guelph Organic Conference includes international speakers, seminars and introductory workshops on frontline topics including GMOs, organic production and certification, food in a changing climate, eco-villages, earth buildings, farmland protection and food security.

Labour Studies Program, hosted

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