Fruit & Vegetable Magazine

Features Fruit Production
AAFC scientist wins writing award

September 27, 2010  By AAFC

September 22, 2010,
Toronto, Ont. – Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) research scientist Dr.
Ernest Small has been named winner of the Lane Anderson Award for Canadian
Science Writing in the adult category for his book Top 100 Food Plants: 
the World’s Most Important Culinary Crops.

September 22, 2010,
Toronto, Ont. – Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) research scientist Dr.
Ernest Small has been named winner of the Lane Anderson Award for Canadian
Science Writing in the adult category for his book Top 100 Food Plants: 
the World’s Most Important Culinary Crops

The $10,000 award was
given out at a ceremony in Toronto on September 21.

Top 100 Food Plants
reviews scientific and technological information about the major food plants
and their culinary uses. All categories of food plants are covered and
information is provided on scientific and common names, appearance, history,
economic and social importance and food uses, including practical information
on storage and preparation.

The book is intended to
be a reference guide for specialists in agricultural areas, but gardeners,
cooks, and those interested in human health as it relates to diet will also
find this volume appealing because of the user-friendly presentation and the
hundreds of attractive illustrations included.

Dr. Small, a scientist
at AAFC’s Eastern Cereal and Oilseed Research Centre in Ottawa, is the author
of 13 books and more than 300 scientific publications on plants.

Top 100 Food Plants is
published by the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) and is available by

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