Custom propagation for grape growers and wineries
October 29, 2019 By The Canadian Grapevine Certification Network
The Canadian Grapevine Certification Network (CGCN-RCCV) has received funding from the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) program to test vines used for propagation for Grapevine Leafroll associated Virus 1 (GLaV1), GLaV3, Red Blotch Virus (GRBV) and Pinot Gris Virus (GPGV).
The funding will reduce the cost of testing by approximately 50 per cent. Plants that test negative for the four viruses will allow CGCN to verify the scion/rootstock wood used from these plants in plant propagation have passed the interim grapevine testing standard. The CGCN are opening the program to Canadian grape growers and/or wineries who would be interested in partnering with a nursery for custom propagation of grapevines.
Custom Propagation in this instance is defined as a grape grower and/or winery enlisting the services of a nursery to propagate a specific number of grapevines from a specific section of their own vineyard (propagation block) and then purchasing the resulting grapevines for their own uses.
As with other grapevines produced under the program, only the portion of the vine being tested can be verified by CGCN-RCCV. If the scion wood/rootstock comes from an alternate source, not tested by the CGCN-RCCV no claim of CGCN-RCCV verification can be made on that portion of the grapevine, but if the rootstock/scion wood comes from another certification program, that program’s claim can be made on the specific portion of the plant. For more information, CLICK HERE.
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