Fruit & Vegetable Magazine

Features Production Research
The Truth About Organic Foods book published

March 13, 2008  By Fruit & Vegetable

The Truth About Organic Foods is a
new book written by Hudson Institute scholar Alex Avery. The facts,
science, and truth revealed in this 231-page book may surprise many who
have come to believe the hype from organic marketers.

The Truth About Organic Foods is a new book written by Hudson Institute scholar Alex Avery. The facts, science, and truth revealed in this 231-page book may surprise many who have come to believe the hype from organic marketers. And farmers, food companies, and others involved in agriculture will find this book a unique and critical resource in fighting the constant barrage of misinformation bombarding today’s farming-illiterate public. The book starts with the origins of the organic food movement in the 1920s. Subsequent chapters deconstruct specific organic food myths in easy-to-understand explanations using unimpeachable sources and facts. Chapters include Nutrition Notions, Is Organic Food Healthier, Is Organic Food Safer, Organic Pesticides? Hormone Hype and Antibiotic Angst, and Organic Farming Versus Wildlife Habitat. Avery was a McKnight Research Fellow at Purdue University until starting with Hudson in 1994. Since then, he has been published on food and farming matters in scientific journals such as Science, Journal of the American Dietetic Association, and Environmental Health Perspectives.

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