Fruit & Vegetable Magazine

Features Production Research
Respondents needed for small farm survey

September 1, 2010  By Fruit & Vegetable

September 1, 2010,
Ottawa, Ont – The Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council (CAHRC) wants to
hear from small-scale farm operators across Canada regarding their labour
needs, whether they are farming full-time or part-time, alone or with help.

September 1, 2010,
Ottawa, Ont – The Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council (CAHRC) wants to
hear from small-scale farm operators across Canada regarding their labour
needs, whether they are farming full-time or part-time, alone or with help.

CAHRC is conducting
research about the labour requirements of farm operations with annual gross
receipts of less than $100,000, which make up approximately 65 per cent of
farms in Canada. The council has extended the deadline for the on-line survey
until September 30, 2010, in order to obtain a greater number of responses from
farmers from each region across the country.

The council plans
to use this information to better understand the labour needs on small-scale
farms and to develop tools and resources to meet those needs. Responses to the
survey are strictly confidential.


Farm operators who
participate can also enter a draw for a chance to win $100.

CAHRC invites all
small-scale farmers to complete the survey by visiting their web site at: or by calling
1-866-430-7457 ext. 228.

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