Fruit & Vegetable Magazine

Features Fruit Production
WES18 and WES30 wind turbines

April 15, 2008  By Fruit & Vegetable

wind_turbineWind Energy Solutions Canada (WES
Canada) is currently selling and installing new and refurbished 80 Kw
and 250 Kw wind turbines (WES18 and WES30). WES is also selling an off
grid 80 Kw wind diesel system with a tilt tower for remote areas.

wind_turbineWind Energy Solutions Canada (WES Canada) is currently selling and installing new and refurbished 80 Kw and 250 Kw wind turbines (WES18 and WES30). WES is also selling an off grid 80 Kw wind diesel system with a tilt tower for remote areas. These commercial wind turbines are very reliable and sturdy. Under the former name Lagerwey, more than 1,500 of the systems were sold worldwide, earning the nickname “Farmer’s workhorse” in Europe. In 2004, a refurbished WES18 was installed at Feenstra’s Flowers in Dunnville, Ontario. To make a project financial feasible, an annual wind speed of at least 5.5 m/s at hub height (30 to 40 metres) is necessary. Annual energy production at 5.5 m/s with an 80 Kw turbine would be 130,000 kwh, with a 250 Kw turnbine it would be 370,000 kwh.

For more information and pricing, please visit or call 905-957-8791.

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