Quilt fungicide label expanded to include blueberries
December 3, 2014 By Press release
December 3, 2014, Guelph, Ont – Syngenta Canada Inc. recently announced the label expansion of Quilt foliar fungicide to provide blueberry growers across Canada with a new option for control and suppression of a number of diseases affecting production of this crop.
“The expansion of the Quilt fungicide registration to include both lowbush and highbush blueberries is good news for growers looking to address diseases that can negatively affect quality and yield,” says Eric Phillips, product lead for fungicides and insecticides with Syngenta Canada. “Lowbush blueberry growers can use it in both the sprout year – to control rust (Thekopsora minima) and suppress Septoria and Valdensinia – and in the fruiting year, to control Monilinia blight (Monilinia vaccinii-corymbosi) and anthracnose. Growers of highbush blueberries will also find Quilt to be an effective tool in the control of mummy berry and anthracnose.”
Quilt fungicide combines two active ingredients, azoxystrobin (Group 11) and propiconazole (Group 3). Together, they deliver both systemic and curative properties, as well as support an effective resistance management strategy. Quilt moves within the plant and is distributed within the leaves, protecting the plant as it grows, not just at the points of contact.
Quilt is available to blueberry growers in case and tote packaging options.
For more information about Quilt fungicide, please contact your local Syngenta representative, visit the Quilt product page on SyngentaFarm.ca or contact the Customer Resource Centre at 1‑87‑SYNGENTA (1‑877‑964‑3682).
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