Fruit & Vegetable Magazine

Features Business Food Safety
Ontario supporting Exeter food processor

April 11, 2011  By OMAFRA

peppersApril 11, 2011, Exeter,
Ont – A Huron County food processor is on track to expand operations and create
40 new jobs, growing the market for local farmers and strengthening Ontario’s

April 11, 2011, Exeter,
Ont – A Huron County food processor is on track to expand operations and create
40 new jobs, growing the market for local farmers and strengthening Ontario’s


With support from
Ontario’s Rural Economic Development Program, Exeter Produce and Storage
Company Limited
will relocate its bell pepper processing line and install new,
state-of-the-art equipment to increase its production and processing capacity.
The investment will allow the business to increase production of bell field
peppers from 3,742 tonnes to 5,000 tonnes annually, increase annual sales by 34
per cent, reduce operating costs and enhance quality control, increase export
sales and improve competitiveness and enhance the skills of current employees
who will be trained on new, sophisticated line equipment.

The new facility is to be
completed by December 2012.


The Ontario government is
investing $567,500 in this expansion project through the Rural Economic
Development Program

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