Fruit & Vegetable Magazine

Features Chemicals Diseases
New potato fungicide from Bayer CropScience

November 18, 2013  By Press release

November 18, 2013, Guelph, Ont – Bayer CropScience Canada recently announced the registration of Luna Tranquility as a foliar fungicide for potatoes.

Already a fungicide for apples and grapes, Luna Tranquility is an all-in-one formulation that includes Group 7 (fluopyram) and Group 9 (pyrimethanil) modes of action. Luna Tranquility provides disease protection against the leaf spot complex (early blight and brown leaf spot), white mold and black dot.

“With a unique Group 7 and 9 mode of action, Luna Tranquility is able to control early blight and brown leaf spot unlike any other previous fungicides,” said David Kikkert, portfolio manager of horticulture for Bayer CropScience.

Early blight and brown leaf spot have recently become less sensitive to existing Group 11 and other Group 7 fungicides in North America, leaving potato growers with fewer effective options. Luna Tranquility offers potato growers an alternative to control these diseases as part of a responsible resistance management program.


In addition to early blight and brown leaf spot control, Luna Tranquility controls white mold and has activity on black dot, helping growers manage many diseases with one product. It can be applied by either ground or air.

“Used in a preventative spray program, Luna Tranquility will help growers combat major yield robbing diseases and produce better yielding, high quality potatoes,” explains Kikkert.

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