Fruit & Vegetable Magazine

Features Chemicals Weeds
Minor use label expansion for Prowl H2O herbicide

April 16, 2013  By Jim Chaput OMAF

April 16, 2013 – The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) recently announced the approval of a minor use label expansion for Prowl H2O Herbicide (pendimethalin) for control of weeds on green onions (mineral soil) and transplanted leeks (mineral soil) in Canada.

Prowl H2O herbicide was already labeled for management of weeds on corn, soybeans, snap beans, adzuki beans and dry bulb onions in Canada.

These minor use submissions were sponsored in 2010 and 2011 by the minor use office of OMAF in response to minor use priorities identified by producers and extension personnel in Canada.

Weed control is an important component of green onion and leek production and has been identified as a priority by producers for several years. The registration of Prowl H2O herbicide is an important step towards improving the weed management and resistance management toolkit.

For copies of the new supplemental label for green onions and leeks contact Kristen Callow, OMAF, Harrow (519) 738-1232 or visit the BASF Canada website.


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