Fruit & Vegetable Magazine

Features Business Policy
Minimum wage to increase in P.E.I.

November 20, 2018  By Fruit & Veg magazine

Prince Edward Island’s minimum wage will remain the highest in Atlantic Canada when it increases by 70 cents to $12.25 per hour on April 1, 2019.

“Our government is focused on helping Island families and supporting low-income workers by raising the minimum wage,” said Workforce and Advanced Learning Minister Sonny Gallant. “This increase provides support to those most in need, puts more money into the pockets of Islanders and stimulates our provincial economy.”

Prince Edward Island is Canada’s only jurisdiction to show continuous economic growth since 2008. The province leads the Atlantic region in population growth. In addition:

  • Gross-domestic product increased 3.2 per cent last year;
  • Total export growth was 4.6 per cent in 2017;
  • Manufacturing sales growth exceeded the national average in 2017 and has led Canada in growth over the past five years;
  • 2017 employment growth was 3.1 per cent, second highest among provinces and above the national average of 1.9 per cent;
  • Employment growth is double the national average; and
  • 3,200 more Islanders are working compared to this time last year. In total, there are 76,400 Islanders working.

This economic growth occurred at a time where PEI experienced the highest level of income equality in the country.


“This new minimum wage will help a lot of Islanders,” said Carl Pursey, president of the PEI Federation of Labour. “Government is heading in the right direction, and we are very pleased to see this increase happen.”

The Employment Standards Board – which reviews the minimum wage rate each year – recommended the minimum wage increase based on economic factors in the province and on input received from the public. The board gathered input from 12 organizations and 14 individuals during consultations this past summer.

More information on the minimum wage and other employment standards is available at

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