It has been a warm week so far moving berries along, with cooler weather in the forecast. At this point in the season berries seem to be about a week earlier than last year. Early June-bearing strawberries have green fruit, and some berries are beginning to turn colour where row covers were used. Mid and late-season varieties are in bloom. Overwintered day-neutral strawberries are beginning to be harvested.
Make sure new fields are getting enough water for good establishment. Remember to remove spring-planted day-neutral blooms until the plant is well established- about 4-6 leaves present.
- Thrips: are showing up in strawberries. Thrips can cause bronzing under the calyx, on the seeds and fruit, and can cause the entire berry to become bronzed and cracked. Watch for thrips on day-neutrals and June-bearing strawberries. Gently breath on blossoms to encourage thrips to move out of the bloom. Â If control is needed Delegate, Exirel, Beleaf or Harvanta are registered for thrips suppression or control.
- Cyclamen mite: Cyclamen mite injury is showing up with crinkled leaves and short, stunted trusses with seedy berries. Look at the youngest, folded leaves to confirm cyclamen mite- it will look like piles of salt. Agri-mek is registered for cyclamen mite control at 225 mL/ha in a high-volume spray (minimum 375 mL/ha), with a non-ionic surfactant at 0.1-0.5%, where permitted. It is very important to get thorough coverage- slow down and use a high volume. Agri-mek can only be used twice a year. Avoid applying Agri-mek during bloom.
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