Fruit & Vegetable Magazine

BASF receives registration for Armezon in east

November 30, 1999  By Press release

January 16, 2012, Mississauga, Ont – BASF Canada Inc. (BASF) has received regulatory approval for the use of new Armezon™ herbicide on field, seed, and sweet corn crops in Eastern Canada for the 2012 growing season.

January 16, 2012, Mississauga, Ont – BASF Canada Inc. (BASF)has received regulatory approval for the use of new Armezon™ herbicide on field, seed, and sweet corn crops in Eastern Canada for the 2012 growing season.

Armezon uses topramezone as its active ingredient, which was first introduced to Eastern Canada in 2007 under a different brand name.


“Armezon offers flexibility for corn growers,” says Andrew Elgersma, marketing manager for eastern herbicides at BASF Canada. “It will offer growers the crop safety and application flexibility they’re looking for in seed, sweet, and field corn.”

When tank mixed with atrazine, Armezon provides post-emergence control of common annual weeds in seed and sweet corn, including lady’s thumb, lamb’s-quarters, common ragweed, Eastern black nightshade, and redroot pigweed. It also provides fast knockdown of annual grasses.

According to the company, Armezon tank mixed with glyphosate and atrazine for glyphosate tolerant corn enhances the power of glyphosate with an additional mode of action that acts as a resistance management tool and also provides fast grass knockdown and improved control of tough broadleaf weeds versus glyphosate alone.

For more information about Armezon, visit


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