Fruit & Vegetable Magazine

Features Chemicals Diseases
Fungicide provides control for broad range of crops and diseases

November 15, 2019  By BASF

BASF has received Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency registration for Cevya fungicide which contains the active ingredient (AI) Revysol. The active ingredient is an isopropanol azole that provides fast-acting and long-lasting disease control for a broad range of crops and disease combinations.

Cevya is a systemic fungicide labeled for use in pome fruit, stone fruit, potato, sugar beet, grapes and tree nuts. Its chemistry provides binding capacity and adaptability through its molecule flexibility to control a broad spectrum of fungal diseases. Consequently, it also controls biotypes that may have developed resistance to other Group 3, 7, 9 and 11 fungicides.

Pome fruit growers can expect control against existing DMI-resistant apple scab while providing additional control options for powdery mildew. The fungicide controls early blight in potatoes and offers sugar beet growers a means to control resistant Cercospora leaf spot.

The flexibility of the isopropanol link in Cevya fungicide provides long-lasting residual control and extended crop protection.


“We are excited to offer Cevya fungicide to our Canadian growers as it provides them with an outstanding new tool for disease management,” Jon Sweat, vice-president, BASF Agricultural Solutions Canada, said. “Revysol AI is the result of years of research and expertise, designed to meet the highest level of regulatory standards while helping growers manage their toughest disease challenges including resistant plant pathogens.”

Growers and retailers can learn more about Cevya fungicide and other BASF Agricultural Solutions products by contacting their local BASF representative or by clicking here.

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