CanAgPlus searching for board nominations
June 22, 2016 By Press release
June 22, 2016, Ottawa, Ont – CanadaGAP is now accepting nominations for candidates to serve on the board of directors for CanAgPlus, the corporation that owns and operates the CanadaGAP program.
CanAgPlus relies on volunteer leaders to guide decision making and oversee management of CanadaGAP. Participation on the board of directors affords volunteer leaders the opportunity for personal growth and satisfaction in moving the program forward and improving food safety in the fresh produce industry.
CanAgPlus directors are elected by members (i.e., those who are enrolled in the CanadaGAP program) at the annual general meeting, which will take place on December 8, 2016 in Ottawa, Ontario. See http://www.canadagap.ca/events/annual-general-meeting/ for further information.
CanAgPlus is currently seeking nominations for four directors to the board, constituted as follows:
- Two directors who must be approved by the Canadian Horticulture Council (CHC); approval by CHC typically occurs after the CanAgPlus AGM once directors have been elected by members
- One director who must be approved by the Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA); approval by CPMA typically occurs after the CanAgPlus AGM once directors have been elected by members
- One director who must be elected by members of CanAgPlus at its AGM
CanAgPlus will be responsible for submitting names to CHC and CPMA for approval, where necessary.
A recommended slate of nominees will be prepared in advance of the AGM for circulation to members, and presented for vote on December 8, 2016. In accordance with provisions in the corporate by-law, and subject to applicable rules of order during meetings of members, nominations may also be made by ordinary resolution at the AGM.
Candidates are expected to have a strong interest in the delivery, integrity and objectives of the CanadaGAP program. Criteria for service on the Board of Directors includes:
- Exhibit ability communicate interpersonally, provide facilitative leadership, and enforce group discipline on board processes
- Strong understanding and experience with the appropriate roles, group processes and corporate bylaws and policies that form systems of corporate governance
- Demonstrated judgment and integrity in an oversight role
Consideration will be given to volunteers with experience serving on a not-for-profit board or governance committee or senior level experience working with other boards. Experience and skills in the following areas will be considered assets:
- Good working knowledge of CanadaGAP – its functioning, goals, evolution, etc.
- Familiarity with administrative and management processes, rather than technical knowledge
- Personnel management experience
- Financial management experience
- Knowledge of international food safety context
Directors need not be CanadaGAP program participants.
Directors will serve a two-year term. The board meets twice a year in person, and holds conference calls as needed.
Those interested in serving on the board of directors must complete and submit the application form by August 31, 2016. Self-nominations are acceptable.
If you are not a member of CanAgPlus but interested in serving on the board, please email info@canadagap.ca or call 613-829-4711 206 to obtain a copy of the organization’s general operating by-law.
Visit www.canadagap.ca or call 613- 829-4711 for further information about CanadaGAP and its governance.
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