Fruit & Vegetable Magazine

News Fruit Pest Management Production
Apple update: May 31

June 6, 2024  By Erika DeBrouwer, Tree Fruit Specialist and Kristy Grigg-McGuffin, IPM Specialist | OMAFRA

Growth Stages

Fruitlets are sizing well across the province! Depending on the cultivar and location, sizing varies but most are near or past the 20mm stage.

Some lingering bloom can still be found out there in some cultivars such as Ambrosia, Gala, Honeycrisp and Crimson Crisp.

Growers are starting to take note of how thinning is shaping up. For more information on thinning, see the previous What the Crop?! update on May 17th.

Disease Development


Low levels of apple scab infection can be found in some orchards across the province. Though overall, many orchards still appear to be clean at this time. The significant rainfall most areas welcomed last week likely brought the end of the primary infection period by releasing the last of the matured ascospores.


However, it is important to wait a few weeks after the last infection event before backing off of a scab program. Monitor for signs of scab lesions. Be sure to take a good look in the top part of the canopy as coverage can often be inadequate there. Before reducing fungicide rates, be sure your orchard is completely free from primary scab.


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