Fruit & Vegetable Magazine

Features Business Policy
AMI combines new and existing programming

May 5, 2018  By Fruit and Veg magazine

The Agri-Food Management Institute (AMI) will be delivering a mixture of established programming and new projects under the newly launched Canadian Agricultural Partnership.

The focus will be on business management, productivity enhancement and local production opportunities for both farm businesses and food processors.

Popular AMI initiatives, including Advanced Farm Management Program, Transition Smart and the Learning Roadshow, will continue under the new Partnership funding framework.

A Beginner Farmer Entrant Workshop will also be launched this year to complement a new online resource AMI has just unveiled on its website.


New to AMI’s offering will be resources and tools to address productivity-related issues in farm and food processing businesses.

The organization will also be focusing on regional opportunities for value-adding by building connections along the value chain and identifying supply chain gaps in local food production.

AMI promotes new ways of thinking about business management by developing resources, providing information and offering training opportunities for agri-food and agri-based producers and processors. AMI receives funding from the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, a federal-provincial-territorial initiative.

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