Fruit & Vegetable Magazine

Features Chemicals Insects
AAFC updates pest management website

December 4, 2018  By AAFC

The Pesticide Risk Reduction team’s Integrated Pest Management Projects (formerly ‘Approved Projects’) have been re-organized into a searchable table making it easier to find information about specific projects of interest. Screenshot

The Agriculture and Agri-Food (AAFC) website is undergoing a renovation, and as a result the Pest Management Centre pages have been relocated to join the AAFC Research and Development Centres’ web pages. Along with this migration, the pest management centre homepage has been updated.

The homepage of the Minor Use Pesticides team has been updated and its material is accessible from the Minor-use pesticides topic page including the Minor Use Pesticides – List of Submissions and Minor Use Pesticides – Project Statuses.

The Pesticide Risk Reduction team’s Integrated Pest Management Projects (formerly ‘Approved Projects’) have been re-organized into a searchable table making it easier to find information about specific projects of interest. Updates have also been made to the pages for Pesticide risk reduction strategies, Biopesticides and Crop profiles.

The Agriculture Pest Management page contains a wealth of information from our Centre, including the revamped Agricultural Pest Management Resources page, which presents crop protection methods developed using the latest research and collaboration.


A recent addition to the Resources page is Biobeds for managing pesticide rinsate in Canada, a manual providing information on the design, construction, operation and maintenance of biobeds under Canadian conditions.

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